About Me
Hello everyone! I am glad you stumbled across my website on your quest for beautiful handmade dice. My name is Leah and I started making dice at the beginning of 2020. I work from my home in beautiful Colorado where I live with my husband, four kids, and four dogs. It's certainly never a dull moment around here. We are a retired military family and I loved traveling the world and seeing many amazing places. We finally settled down here in the mountains and I started to get restless for another journey. This led me to discovering the dice community.
I always had a thing for dice. I have played D&D since college and still play with my college roomie/dm every week online. My Psion tried to befriend a T-Rex, did you know you can just blast your way out of it's stomach!? My bestfriend, who is a medic in the Army, is stationed nearby, so when there is no pandemic, we also play an in person game. Time travel and the Tarasque, my poor Druid went crazy and multi-classed Barbarian.
I am also a into Magic the Gathering, I might have a little thing for Jace especially. I am happy to be teaching the older two boys how to play and love opening booster packs with them.
I love fantasy and all things magic.
What else is there to say. Let's see. I love video games and computer games. Currently I am playing Destiny and I am usually logged into Final Fantasy XI. I just started the original Last of Us, the four year old especially loves to pretend he's a zombie while I am playing this. My favorite game though is probably Witcher 3, it was just amazing game play and story line, I spent hours completing every little thing and now I am looking for a game similar in style!
We are Pokemon Masters around here, the 5yr old is currently battling a Team Rocket Leader as I type this. He's on a quest to collect them all.
Of course since we live in Colorado, we love to hike and be outside. Our nature center had a family of bobcats this year and it was fun to go and see if we could catch a glimpse on the trails of the babies playing.
Dice has been a great way for me to adapt to the changes of this year. I love having a creative outlet and focus. My hope is to continue to build and improve my skills, sending beautiful sets of dice out into the world to be loved and enjoyed as much as I do. I want to be able to do a small number of commissions each month too, so if anyone is interested let me know. Hopefully I will get into a small blog section, to keep everyone up to date on dice adventures, as well as the shenanigans that occur around here!
Anyway, here is me, with a cool filter that I like. I typically hate pictures, so this is me trying to be brave! Thank you for visiting my site!