Commission Information

I just need to start by saying, I LOVE doing commissions.  It's an exciting challenge to bring a customer's vision or idea to life.  Now, the nitty gritty.

Unfortunately with time constraints, I am only able to do a limited amount of commissions each month.  I am setting this at 3 slots on a first come first serve basis and will be open based on availability. Purchase of these slots can be found on the products page or click HERE.

The timeframe for a complete commission will be about 4-5 weeks. I will try to explain why:
*I have to first figure out how to create the design being asked for.  There are limitations to my skills and abilities, though they are growing every day, therefore I sometimes have to change up the design slightly to fit.  This might take a few tries to get right and because resin is finicky and temperamental, sometimes a dice will just decide it doesn't want to dice.  These I redo until each one is complete.  Each cast takes a full 24 hours. 
*Then, the dice sit for 7-10 days before I will sand them. I always let all my dice sit before sanding, this ensures they are fully cured.  
*Finally they will be inked to your color choice.  This only takes a day typically, though I like to let the ink dry before cleaning them up a final time, so I like to give it two days. 

I know these times don't add up to 4 weeks, but please keep in mind that I work at home and still have my children and regular human things to attend to. Sometimes even fur-kid things that need to get done.  I also do not work on Saturdays or Sundays, those are D&D and family time days! So I want to give a time frame that is both manageable and workable for me, while being upfront with you!  

I of course will send pictures and communicate with you through the entire process!  I want you to love the dice you imagine.  

These commissions are still subject to the standard craft marks and inherent flaws of handmade and crafted dice. You can read about those here if you are curious to know more. 

If you would like a commission, you may purchase a commission slot on my product page.   

Standard 9-Piece set 2d20, 1d00, 1d12, 1d10, 1d8, 2d6, 1d4 and alternative crystal 1d4 will be $75.
Additional matching d6 will be available in pairs for 2d6 at $5
Additional matching 40mm d20 will be available for $20

If you have ANY questions, please email me!!