Handmade Resin Dice Information

  Each set of dice is hand crafted by me from start to finish.
The numbering is my personal handwriting digitally transcribed and 3D rendered for use on the dice. This font is unique and the property of myself, therefore not to be recreated or re-moulded. The logo is designed by me as well for my own use as Wolf Moon Dice. My masters were printed by Arcana Cast and then hand polished by Hands of Mari (due to physical restrictions I have, but she does AMAZING work so it is totally worth it).
The dice are cast with a two part epoxy resin and cured in a pressure pot, which helps to minimize voids and bubbles.
Each set is crafted with care and love, however, given the hand made nature and lack of machines, the sets will include tool marks. I do not consider these to be flaws, they are just a natural process of hand pouring and sanding each die.
These tool marks can include small sprue marks from the moulds on the low numbers, flashing marks along the dice edges, or some slight scratching and dulling of the edges on the sanded faces. With cap moulds you might notice more pronounced edges along the cap face. 
When inclusions are placed in the dice, you might also see slight bubbling around the inclusion, this will not affect the roll of the dice, however, the heavier inclusions might slightly off-put the balance. These dice aren't meant for Vegas! 
Please understand this when purchasing a set and I will not accept returns based on these marks.  If there are other flaws, not natural to the process, I will include them in the description of each set. Please contact me about refunds for any other reason.